A -search- yields sources of advice:
FAQ . . . . . . . . . Performing element-by-element operations on matrices
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. McDowell
4/05 How do I perform element-by-element operations on
FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . How do I do elementwise operations on a matrix?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UCLA Academic Technology Services
10/06 http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/faq/elemmatrix.htm
but there is more to be said.
The easiest solution in terms of your typing is to install -matmap- from
matmap A B, map(sqrt(@))
creates B which contains the roots of the elements of A.
This is almost as easy and will develop understanding:
mat B = A
forval i = 1/`= rowsof(A)' {
forval j = 1/`= colsof(A)' {
mat B[`i', `j'] = sqrt(A[`i, `j'])
The UCLA FAQ above does this kind of thing using -while-. That
is here more cumbersome than using -forval-.
Here is -matmap-.
program define matmap
*! 1.0.0 NJC 23 August 2000
version 6.0
gettoken A 0 : 0
gettoken B 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
syntax , Map(str) [ Symbol(str) ]
if "`symbol'" == "" { local symbol "@" }
if !index("`map'","`symbol'") {
di in r "map( ) does not contain `symbol'"
exit 198
local nr = rowsof(matrix(`A'))
local nc = colsof(matrix(`A'))
tempname C val
mat `C' = `A'
local i 1
while `i' <= `nr' {
local j 1
while `j' <= `nc' {
local exp : /*
*/ subinstr local map "`symbol'" "`A'[`i',`j']", all
scalar `val' = `exp'
if `val' == . {
di in r "matrix would have missing values"
exit 504
mat `C'[`i',`j'] = `val'
local j = `j' + 1
local i = `i' + 1
mat `B' = `C' /* allows overwriting of either `A' or `B' */
Here is how, 7 years on, I would rewrite it for Stata 8.2 [sic].
Not tested!
1. -forval- is nicer than -while-.
2. Stata's matrices can now include missing values.
3. Some other small changes.
So all the program does is set up two loops over
the rows and columns and do your stuff elementwise.
----------------------------------------------- matmap8
*! 1.1.0 NJC 28 August 2007
program matmap8
version 8.2
gettoken A 0 : 0
gettoken B 0 : 0, parse(" ,")
syntax , Map(str) [ Symbol(str) ]
if "`symbol'" == "" local symbol "@"
if !index("`map'","`symbol'") {
di as err "map() does not contain `symbol'"
exit 198
local nr = rowsof(matrix(`A'))
local nc = colsof(matrix(`A'))
tempname C
mat `C' = `A'
forval i = 1/`nr' {
forval j = 1/`nc' {
local exp : /*
*/ subinstr local map "`symbol'" "`A'[`i',`j']", all
mat `C'[`i',`j'] = `exp'
mat `B' = `C' /* allows overwriting of either `A' or `B' */
Xiaoheng Zhang
> I am looking for a command or program to transfer a matrix into a new
> matrix with each element becoming its square root. How can I do this
> in Stata 8.2?Can I do it in Stata 9.0 with mata?But currently I do not
> have Stata 9.0.Thank you.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/