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st: Re: st: Programming in stata: how to generate a sample following abivariate distribution

From   Arun Rajamohan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Re: st: Programming in stata: how to generate a sample following abivariate distribution
Date   Mon, 27 Aug 2007 13:48:34 -0400

Try this,

findit rnd
help rnd

It can generate binomially distributed random numbers

Random number generators

         Student's t:   rndt obs df

          Chi-square:   rndchi obs df

                   F:   rndf obs df_n df_d

          log normal:   rndlgn obs mean var

             Poisson:   rndpoi obs mean
                        rndpoix [ mu ]

            binomial:   rndbin obs prob numb
                        rndbinx [ prob ] den

Hope it helps...

On Aug 27, 2007, at 12:41 PM, Vieira, Cecilia wrote:

Hi all,
I need to generate a sample from scratch: 150 observations following a binomial
distribution with p=10% chance of success.
Which command should I use? Any suggestions about references I could use? I had
no luck with the stata help.
Thank you,

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Arun Rajamohan PhD
Department of Biology
Room 237, Biological & Geological Sciences Building
1151 Richmond Street North
The University of Western Ontario
London, ON N6A 5B7 CANADA

Tel: + 1-519-661-2111 ext 80582
Fax: + 1-519-661-3935
[email protected]

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