KHAN,ALI wrote:
Dear members,
For the same data set,the estimated parameters(two
parametrs,alpha and beta(slope)) by weibull and
loglogistic models narrate a different story(having
different signs).How do the parameters of two
distribiutions can be compared?
The generalized weibull of Mudholkar,et al.(1996)
provides much greater flexibilty at the expense of an
additional shape parameter(having two shape parameters
and in total three parameters).How do we can estimate
this three parameter weibull distribution.
Thanks for comments and suggestions.
Dear ALI,
I have two suggestions concerning your question:
- please take a thorough look at Stata manual Survival analysis and
epidemiological table, section streg - Fit parametric survival model (a
possible answer to your question stays in page 238 of the Release n 9 of the
abovementioned Stata manual - Table 2);
- in order to be more likely to get an appropriated answer, it is
appreciated to give the full reference of the article you quote
(Mudholkar,et al.(1996)).
HTH and Kind Regards,
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