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st: re: statsby slowness
Nick Cox asked how egen rank and egen corr compares to using spearman
in the context of statsby. It turns out to be at least 10 times
faster. Thanks Nick.
// Break file into subfiles of 500 "by groups" (genes),
// because Stata "statsby" command is so slow across 22K by groups,
// then calculate and save out spearman correlation stats
// for iso_VSV and gene expression and append into a file 22K rows long
// and apply FDR
// This version comments out statsby and uses egen rank and egen corr
// and consequently is 10 times fast, doing 22K spearman correlations
// in about 50 seconds (along with file creation, etc.).
set more off
set rmsg on
set memory 200M
// sabatini_merged is a long format file
// merging expression data and editing data
use "/Users/dairey/Desktop/primate_editing/sabatini_merged.dta"
local start = 1
forvalues stop = 6000(6000)267396 {
keep if _n >= `start' & _n <= `stop'
save sabatini_`stop'.dta, replace
egen rank_1 = rank(expression), by(ssrownum)
egen rank_2 = rank(iso_VSV), by(ssrownum)
egen corr = corr(rank_1 rank_2), by(ssrownum)
collapse (mean) spearman=corr (count) count=corr, by(ssrownum)
gen t = spearman*((count-2)/(1-spearman^2))^0.5
gen p = 2*ttail(count-2,abs(t))
save spearman_`stop'.dta, replace
local start = `stop'+1
restore, preserve
use "/Users/dairey/Desktop/primate_editing/sabatini_merged.dta"
keep if _n > 264000 & _n <= 267396
save sabatini_267396.dta, replace
keep ssrow expression iso_VSV
egen rank_1 = rank(expression), by(ssrownum)
egen rank_2 = rank(iso_VSV), by(ssrownum)
egen corr = corr(rank_1 rank_2), by(ssrownum)
collapse (mean) spearman=corr (count) count=corr, by(ssrownum)
gen t = spearman*((count-2)/(1-spearman^2))^0.5
gen p = 2*ttail(count-2,abs(t))
save spearman_267396.dta, replace
// append the statsby results into one file
use spearman_6000.dta
forvalues stop = 12000(6000)267396 {
append using spearman_`stop'.dta
erase spearman_`stop'.dta
append using spearman_267396.dta
erase spearman_267396.dta
save iso_VSV.dta, replace
erase spearman_6000.dta
// see if there is significance after FDR
multproc, pvalue(p) method(simes) puncor(0.05) rank(rank)
// keep top 100 and bring in gene information against ssrownum key id
sort rank
keep if rank < 101
sort ssrownum
merge ssrownum using "/Users/dairey/Desktop/primate_editing/
keep if _merge == 3
// list gene information
sort rank
list gene_title
set rmsg off
set more on
// use a forvalues loop to make smaller files and do statsby
local start = 1
forvalues stop = 6000(6000)267396 {
keep if _n >= `start' & _n <= `stop'
save sabatini_`stop'.dta, replace
statsby n=r(N) spearman=r(rho) p=r(p), by(ssrownum): ///
spearman iso_VSV expression
save spearman_`stop'.dta, replace
local start = `stop'+1
restore, preserve
// above, the forvalues misses data after row 264000 so
// those are picked up here
use "/Users/dairey/Desktop/primate_editing/sabatini_merged.dta"
keep if _n > 264000 & _n <= 267396
save sabatini_267396.dta, replace
statsby n=r(N) spearman=r(rho) p=r(p), by(ssrownum): ///
spearman iso_VSV expression
save spearman_267396.dta, replace
David C. Airey, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
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