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st: Re: dates
Dear Peggy:
Terry M. Therneau & P. M. Grambsch Modeling Surival Data, Springer, 2000.
John P. Klein & M. L. Moeschberger Survival Analysis, Springer, 2003.
Mario A. Cleves,m William W. Gould, Roberto G. Gutierrez An Introduction
to Survival Analysis Using Stata. Stata Press Publication, 2005.
David Collett Modeling Survival Data in Medical Research, Chapman &
Hall/CRC, 2003.
In Portuguese, excelent, if you can read:
Marilia Sa Carvalho, V.L. Andreozzi, C.T. Code�o, MTS Barbosa, S.E.Shimakura
An�lise de Sobrevida; teoria e aplica��es em s�ude. Editora Fiocruz(Brasil),
www.fiocruz.br, 2005.
Enrico Antonio Colosimo &S.R. Giolo Analise de Sobrevida Aplicada. Editora
Edgard Blucher (Brasil), www.blucher.com.br, 2006.
Jos� Maria
Jos� Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular (aposentado)
Departamento de Epidemiologia
Faculdade de Sa�de P�blica/Universidade de S�o Paulo
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715 cep 01246-904
S�o Paulo Brasil
fones (11)3061-7747 (11)3061-7724 (11)3714-2403 (11)3768-8612
fax (11)3082-2920 (11)3714-2403
[email protected]
----- Original Message -----
From: "P chrisman" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: st: dates
Also if someone could point me towards a user friendly
reference for survival analysis that would also be greatly appreciated.
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