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st: creating a new variable?

From   "Ms. Marilyn Ibarra" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: creating a new variable?
Date   Fri, 17 Aug 2007 12:01:52 -0400 (EDT)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks! 

I have the following variables: state, born, and total.  I would like to create two new variables: x and y.  

I would like "X" and "Y" to be the sum of Total for certain observations.  Such as this: 

state    birthstate total     "X"          "Y"
1         2           5      3+1+0        1+0
2         2           3      5+1+0        5+1+0 
3         2           1      0+5+3        5+0
4         2           0      5+3+1        5+1  

1         3           6      7+9+6        7+6
2         3           7      6+9+6        6+6
3         3           9      6+7+6        6+7+6
4         3           6      6+7+9        6+7

State is the state they live in now.  Birthstate is the state they were born in.  For anyone born in state 2, I want "X" to be the sum of Total for the other states they do not live in.  For example, for person born in state 2, now living in state 1, I want to sum the Total for other people born in state 2 who live in state 1, state 3, and state 4.  

To create "Y", for example, for person born in state 2, living in state 1, I want to sum Total for other persons born in the same state who now live in state 3,and 4.  I don't want to include for this person's sum of Total, the combination of state 2 and born in state 2.  And the same for born in state 3, living in state 1, I want to exclude born in state 3, living in 3, but include in the sum of the Total born in state 3, living in state 2 and 4.  For the sum of Total, for the  observation, born in state 3 living in state 3, I want to include the sum of Total for anyone else living in another state that is not state 3, so state 1, 2, and 4 would be included in the sum of Total for this observation. 

Make any sense?  I assume I need a do loop, just not very familiar with them.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  

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