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st: RE: Effect size and Power for the difference between means

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Effect size and Power for the difference between means
Date   Thu, 16 Aug 2007 18:37:59 +0100

I haven't seen an answer to this. 

One key point not explicit here is that -sizefx- is
a user-written program on SSC. It could well be that 
the author is not a Statalist member and/or that 
few people use the program. Either way, your other 
options include emailing the author directly and 
looking at the code. You don't have to be a Stata
programmer, always, to answer questions like this: 
what's inside is just more Stata. 

[email protected] 

Diego Bellavia
> ... I have a problem  trying to figure out 
> how the sizefx command works in STATA 9.2. 

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