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st: Small Stata for teaching

From   Paulo Guimaraes <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Small Stata for teaching
Date   Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:07:37 -0400

Dear Statalisters,

I am sure some of you have taught statistics/econometrics courses using Stata and recommended that students buy Small Stata.
The advertised limitations for Small Stata do not seem too restrictive: a maximum of 99 variables, 39 right-hand variables, 1000 observations and a matsize of 40.
The course I am teaching is on economic forecasting. I am using the book
"Elements of Forecasting" by F. Diebold and contrary to the examples on the book (which are on Eviews) I decided to use Stata. Unfortunately, I am finding out that the students can not replicate some of the examples on the book because of the restrictions on Small Stata. For example, they are unable to estimate an ARMAX with 12 seasonal variables using 400 observations. From the general description of Small Stata it never crossed my mind that they couldn't do it. This has been a frustrating experience as I am never sure what exactly are the limitations of Small Stata. I definitely would expect it to be able to run most "textbook examples" and I naively assumed that to be true.
For the next time that I teach the course I have to decide if I change the book or the software. I would like to know about your experiences
with Small Stata and if this also happens with other textbooks.

Paulo Guimaraes
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