There have been several answers to your question. If I understand
correctly, you want to keep all 75 observations. The solution is
therefore not to -drop- any observations but to replace Y by missing
replace Y = . if X == .
On the other hand, perhaps your variables are sorted in a certain way
and you want to delete the contents of the first 25 observations of Y.
Again, the solution uses -replace-.
replace Y = . if _n < 26
Or perhaps your dataset is sorted such that the first 25 observations
have missing values in X and you want to remove those observations
from the dataset. In that case you would indeed use -drop-.
drop if _n < 26
To summarize, it is not clear what exactly you are trying to accomplish.
On 8/12/07, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear statalisters,
> I have a simple question:
> Supose I have two variables, X and Y with 50 and 75 observations,
> respectively. How do I delete the first 25 observations of the variable Y
> without losing the first 25 observations of the X variable?
> Although simple, I have not been able to find out a solution.
> Thank you again.
> Best regards,
> Tiago
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