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RE: st: xtabond

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: xtabond
Date   Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:38:54 +0100

I don't think you meant what you wrote. 

sort prov time 
by prov: generate t = _n 
tsset prov t 


bysort prov (time) : gen t = _n 
tsset prov t 

is more likely to be what you meant. 

But while this may make a command 
happy to play with sone data, it ignores
much of the information in those data, 
and creates time equivalences that may not 
match the original (e.g. observations with 
t = 1 may well have different underlying 

Otherwise put, this is not just a trick to 
get a command to play. It needs justification
in terms of the underlying science (or whatever). 

[email protected] 

Mansour Farahani
> You can create another variable for time like
> sort prov
> by prov: generate t=[_n]
> tsset prov t
> where your id is the identification number for each entity in 
> the panel. In this way there should not be any gap then in 
> the data. then you and you can run xtabond.

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