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st: rolling regression / xtgls

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: rolling regression / xtgls
Date   Thu, 09 Aug 2007 10:43:56 +0200

Dear statalisters,
I am estimating a standard linear model for a panel of the type:
y(i,t) = b0 + b1x(i,t) + b2z(i,t) +...+ u(i,t)
I want to see how does the coefficient b1 change over the whole range of another
variable k not included in the model.

Can I use something similar to a rolling regression even if my variable k is not

I have another question as well,
I am also estimating a simple linear model for a panel of countries using GLS to
take into account autoregression; but as I need to use country dummies I
proceed as follows
xi: xtgls y x1... xn, [options]

can anybody tell me if this way of proceeding is correct? Because I am basically
trying to use fixed effects (my country dummies) with a procedure that
estimates random effecta models only (the xtgls command)

I am sorry if these questions might seem basic for the majority of you.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards

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