Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -moremata- package is available
from the SSC Archive. The -moremata- package contains various
additions to Mata. Stata 9 or higher is required.
To install the update, type
. ssc install moremata, replace
or use the -adoupdate- command.
o New functions, written by Kit Baum, to compute the Cauchy-Lorentz
distribution are available: mm_cauchy(), mm_cauchyden(),
mm_cauchytail(), and mm_invcauchy().
o A precision problem occurred with mm_colrunsum() when summing
integers because the mean update formula was used. This is fixed (i.e.
mm_colrunsum() no longer uses the mean update formula). The results
from mm_colrunsum() are now identical to the results from official
runningsum(), which is available since Stata 10.
o The syntax of mm_ranks(), mm_relrank(), and mm_ecdf() changed. All
three functions have a new -mid- option to use midpoints and
mm_ranks() has a new -norm- option to return normalized results.
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