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st: Testing over identifying restrictions on beta using vec

From   "Nasa, B." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Testing over identifying restrictions on beta using vec
Date   Wed, 8 Aug 2007 16:43:16 +0100

Dear all, 

I am trying to test over identifying restrictions for two variables
system with one cointegrating rank. In particular I want to test beta =
(1, -1) and I use the following commands.

Constraint define 1 [_ce1]x1 = 1
Constraint define 2 [_ce1]x2 = -1

Vec x1 x2, lag(2) bconstraint(1/2)

However, I get error message "there are at least as many constraints as

Can someone please help? Thank you 



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