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st: RE: Question about cumulative density (cumul, xtile) -- quintiles and poverty status are not in sync. What am I doing wrong?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Question about cumulative density (cumul, xtile) -- quintiles and poverty status are not in sync. What am I doing wrong?
Date   Fri, 3 Aug 2007 18:40:59 +0100

I have thoughts on various levels. Others 
can advise better on survey statistics, the quantum
mechanics of statistics, in which thinking you
understand probably means you are not confused
at a high enough level. 

1. I see that you are using -cumul- with -aweight- and 
-xtile- with -pweight- and I would have thought it quite 
likely that that would be a source of difficulty. 
I know that -cumul- doesn't support -pweight-, 
but ignoring that problem won't be a solution. 

-cumul- itself is not a big deal; so as long 
as you can define the cumulative for a set 
of values with associated pweights, its 
computation should be easy, using -sum()-
to cumulate. 

2. You reported problems with -xtile2-. 
Please say where user-written programs you
are using come from. -xtile2- is a user-written
program from SSC. It gives you the error 
you report, I surmise, because it lacks
a -version- statement and so is broken 
by a later change in Stata's syntax. This 
issue was discussed at length in a recent
thread on -outreg2-. I think you need
to insert 

	version 7 

after the -program- statement. 

3. I think that the term "cumulative
distribution function" is more nearly 
standard. I know that a density function
is integrated to get a distribution
function, but the result is no longer 
a density. Anyway, literatures may differ,
but my impression is that cumulative
density is not a standard term. 

4. Code like 

gen quint=1 if cumdens<=.2
replace quint=2 if cumdens>.2&cumdens<=.4
replace quint=3 if cumdens>.4&cumdens<=.6
replace quint=4 if cumdens>.6&cumdens<=.8
replace quint=5 if cumdens>.8&cumdens~=.

could be condensed to this 

gen quint = ceil(5 * cumdens) 

Here -ceil()- short for "ceiling" 
rounds up to the nearest integer. Also
there is need to trap missings. 

-ceil()- is discussed in 

SJ-3-4  dm0002  . . . . . . . . Stata tip 2: Building with floors and ceilings
        Q4/03   SJ 3(4):446--447                                 (no commands)
        tips for using floor() and ceil()

and again in "33 Stata Tips" available
from StataCorp in paperback. 

[email protected] 

Anna Gueorguieva
> My quintiles and poverty status do not seem to be in sync and 
> I have no idea what is going on!!
> I generate my indicator for poor as having consumption per 
> adult equivalent below the poverty line.
> gen poor=real_totc_per_ae<=povline_m
> Then I generate my quintiles by creating a cumulative 
> distribution of consumption (in each survey wave)
> I use xtile and then double check it with the cumulative density.
> foreach x of numlist 1/4{
> xtile quint`x'= real_totc_per_ae [pw=postpweight] if wave==`x',nq(5)
> }
> gen quint=quint1
> foreach x of numlist 1/4{
> replace quint=quint`x' if wave==`x'
> }
> bys wave: cumul real_totc [aweight=postpweight], gen(cumdens)
> *check quints
> replace quint=1 if cumdens<=.2
> replace quint=2 if cumdens>.2&cumdens<=.4
> replace quint=3 if cumdens>.4&cumdens<=.6
> replace quint=4 if cumdens>.6&cumdens<=.8
> replace quint=5 if cumdens>.8&cumdens~=.
> And the problem is below -- it is not possible that there are 
> poor people in quintile 3!!!! :
>   tab quint poor [aw=postpweight] if wave==2, col nof
>    Quintile |
>          of |
>    national |
> distributi |         poor
>          on |         0          1 |     Total
> -----------+----------------------+----------
>           1 |      0.00      45.96 |     19.98
>           2 |      0.40      45.44 |     19.98
>           3 |     28.81       8.61 |     20.03
>           4 |     35.19       0.00 |     19.89
>           5 |     35.60       0.00 |     20.12
> -----------+----------------------+----------
>       Total |    100.00     100.00 |    100.00
> And xtile2 gives me an error:
>   xtile2 newquint=real_totc_per_ae [pw=postpweight] ,nq(5) by(wave)
> program error:  matching close brace not found
> r(198);

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