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Re: st: calculating cumulative exposure
At 16.36 03/08/2007, you wrote:
Dear statalisters,
I�ve got multiple records per person and want to
calculate some kind of cumulative exposure index
per person. I�ve got a variable called
�exposure� and want to create a new variable
called �cum_exposure�. Each observation in the
cum_exposure variable should give the sum of all
previous cells in the exposure column (but per
person). So something like this:
Id Exposure list Cum.Exposure
1 10 1 10
1 14 2 24
1 15 3 39
2 8 1 8
2 10 2 18
2 15 3 32
bysort Id: g cumexp=sum(Exposure)
Enzo Coviello
Unit� di Epidemiologia e Statitica ASL BARI
Piazza V. Emanuele 14 - 70054 Giovinazzo (Bari)
tel./fax 080 3357867
mobile 347 5016 016
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