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st: re: a question on do-file editor

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: a question on do-file editor
Date   Wed, 1 Aug 2007 21:23:38 -0400

Asgar said

When I am trying to insert more text lines on my Do-file on the Do-file
Editor, Stata gives the following error message box as follows:
"you have reached to maximum number of characters that the Do-file
Editor can hold(30000 bytes). No more texts may be inserted."
I know that I can split my Do-file to two smaller ones but if I do not
want to do this way, otherwise, I am just wondering is there any way to
increase the maximum number of characters of the Do-file Editor to more
than 30000 bytes?

You do not indicate whether you are running the current version of Stata (10.0) or the platform on which you are running Stata. I just tested my Do-File Editor (Stata/MP, Mac OS X) and it is quite happy with a 76,000 byte program. The -texteditors- document (ssc desc texteditors) indicates a 128K limit for most operating systems:

But if your Preferences menu item does not contain an option to change the size of the Do-File editor's buffer, you should peruse the -texteditors- document for an editor which runs on your operating system, preferably one with bells and whistles such as syntax coloring.


Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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