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st: placing parameter estimates for several bivariate models into a single column of a table

From   "Garth Rauscher" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: placing parameter estimates for several bivariate models into a single column of a table
Date   Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:59:56 -0500

Dear Stata listservers,

Stata appears to have a lot of different methods for combining results
across models into a single table (estimates table, estimates add, esttab,
etc.). I am wondering if there is some way to trick one of these into
placing the parameter estimates from several bivariate models into the same
column, rather than having a separate column for each model. For example:

// The program:

sysuse auto, clear

eststo clear 
        eststo: reg price foreign 
        eststo: reg price weight 
        eststo: reg price turn
        esttab  est1 est2 est3, p nostar noconstant noparen compress nogap

// Gives me the following table
                 (1)                 (2)                 (3)          
               price               price               price          
foreign        312.3     0.680                                        
weight                             2.044     0.000                    
turn                                                   207.6     0.007
N                 74                  74                  74          
p-values in second column

// However, what I'd really like is to have the parameter estimates in one
column and the p-values in one column:

foreign       312.3     0.680                                        
weight        2.044     0.000                                         
turn          207.6     0.007                                       
N                 74                          
p-values in second column

Does anyone have any ideas about how one might go about automating this
using Stata?

Thanks, Garth

Garth Rauscher
Assistant Professor
SPH Epidemiology and Biostatistics
University of Illinois at Chicago
1603 W Taylor St (M/C/ 923)
Chicago, IL 60612
(312) 413-4317 phone
(312) 996-0064 fax
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>  email 

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