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Re: st: Identities on Statalist

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Identities on Statalist
Date   Sat, 28 Jul 2007 05:52:41 +0100

Nick Cox replied to Maarten Buis:

> Your "name" is whatever identifies you as an individual.

Well, I started this, so I'd better try to close it. Nick has spoken
for me (once again), and I echo his view about people who use the name
Stata or Statalist in their own email addresses when posting on here
(apart from those at College Station, of course).

Normally at this point in a Statalist thread I've smashed my oar into,
I read the reactions and often publicly row back. Not this time. My
philosophy is simple. People know (or can see) who I am (although I
know there are at least half-a-dozen individuals on this list who'd
rather they didn't). When I respond to try and help out, I often like
to know who I'm helping. Why is it that some people can't be bothered
to reveal their identities on here? We are Statalist, for goodness'
sake, not MSN Chat. Nobody should have anything to hide. I don't.
Well, other than my posting history on here. But that's another story.

All, of course, IMHO.

Clive Nicholas

[Please DO NOT mail me personally here, but at
<[email protected]>. Thanks!]

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