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RE: st: Modify estimation results

From   "Hendri Adriaens" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Modify estimation results
Date   Fri, 27 Jul 2007 17:42:07 +0200

Hi Nick, 


> . filei + "stuff" filename.txt
> . filei + "more stuff" filename.txt
> . filei - "earlier stuff" filename.txt
> . type filename.txt
> earlier stuff
> stuff
> more stuff
> . filei - "earlier stuff" "new filename.txt"
> file new filename.txt not found
> r(601);

This looks very nice!

> There might be a case for other features, but there is a very long
> slippery slope in sight, of creating yet another text editor.

Yeah, indeed, like adding text before a specific line number in the text
file ;-) But I can live with adding the text at the start and modify the
parser in my program that reads the data. Thanks a lot for your code!

Best regards,

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