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Re: st: RE: Question on xthtaylor
Dear Mark,
I tried out the regression with the year dummies
introduced by hand, but the problem with -xtoverid- still
persists. I have emailed you my dataset-- hope you have
received it.
Thanks (everyone) for your help!
On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 08:32:13 +0100
"Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]> wrote:
Suryadipta, Rodrigo,
The way -xthtaylor- works is by transforming/creating
variables, and
then using -regress- to estimate the transformed
equation. This
equation uses IV estimation.
The way -xtoverid- works is by doing the same
transformation and then
using -ivreg2- to estimate it. This generates a
Sargan-Hansen overid
stat that is reported by -xtoverid-. There's also an
internal check
that the transformed regression results from -ivreg2-
are the same as
those reported by the original -xthtaylor- estimation.
Calling -xtoverid- with the undocumented -noisily-
option will cause it
to report this internal -ivreg2- estimation.
Suryadipta, if you do this
and -xtoverid- gets this far, you might be able to tell
what's wrong or
get the overid stat from the output.
I suspect that what is causing the problem is the
collinearity of yr1:
it gets dropped by -xthtaylor-, and this may be causing
-xtoverid- to
get confused. Omitting it from the estimation by hand
may solve the
In any case, Suryadipta, if you can send me your dataset
offlist so I
can reproduce the problem, I can fix the xtoverid bug.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf
Sent: 26 July 2007 00:42
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: RE: Question on xthtaylor
Dear Nick, Rodrigo, and Mark,
Thank you very much indeed for your suggestions- I shall
closely follow what Nick and Rodrigo had suggested as
the R-sq and the robust standard errors. Meanwhile here
the output from -xthtaylor-, followed by
-xtoverid- :
xthtaylor rhat2 corrupt x1 loggdp yr* logpopulat island
landlocked, endog(corrupt x1 loggdp)
note: yr1 dropped due to collinearity
Hausman-Taylor estimation Number
obs = 1712
Group variable (i): id Number
groups = 121
Obs per
group: min = 1
avg = 14.1
max = 16
Random effects u_i ~ i.i.d. Wald
chi2(21) = 45.12
Prob >
chi2 = 0.0017
rhat2 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z|
[95% Conf. Interval]
TVexogenous |
yr2 | .0035842 .0310919 0.12 0.908
-.0573547 .0645231
yr3 | .0281418 .0301447 0.93 0.351
-.0309406 .0872243
yr4 | .0379859 .029738 1.28 0.201
-.0202995 .0962714
yr5 | .0256643 .0296197 0.87 0.386
-.0323892 .0837178
yr6 | .0244164 .0298725 0.82 0.414
-.0341325 .0829654
yr7 | .0182896 .0302195 0.61 0.545
-.0409396 .0775188
yr8 | .017861 .030464 0.59 0.558
-.0418472 .0775693
yr9 | .0058436 .0305084 0.19 0.848
-.0539517 .0656389
yr10 | .0217139 .0307479 0.71 0.480
-.0385508 .0819786
yr11 | .0236914 .0310368 0.76 0.445
-.0371396 .0845224
yr12 | -.0067792 .0313415 -0.22 0.829
-.0682073 .0546489
yr13 | -.0104486 .0317474 -0.33 0.742
-.0726723 .0517751
yr14 | -.0093062 .0322576 -0.29 0.773
-.0725299 .0539175
yr15 | -.0097496 .0326688 -0.30 0.765
-.0737793 .0542801
yr16 | -.0071128 .0332515 -0.21 0.831
-.0722844 .0580589
logpopulat | -.0630136 .0467928 -1.35 0.178
-.1547258 .0286985
TVendogenous |
corrupt | -.231095 .0438374 -5.27 0.000
-.3170147 -.1451753
x1 | .0316134 .0058632 5.39 0.000
.0201217 .0431051
loggdp | -.0366722 .0434294 -0.84 0.398
-.1217922 .0484478
TIexogenous |
island | -.0773091 .262035 -0.30 0.768
-.5908883 .4362701
landlocked | .0981921 .2297618 0.43 0.669
-.3521327 .5485169
_cons | 1.175497 .9099886 1.29 0.196
-.6080481 2.959042
sigma_u | .88297205
sigma_e | .20390525
rho | .94937106 (fraction of variance due
note: TV refers to time varying; TI refers to time
. xtoverid
. invalid name
I am using Stata 9 and regularly update all the codes
ssc. -xtoverid- ran alright when I used the example from
stata (using xtoverid.hlp).
Thanks again for your invaluable inputs!
On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 22:40:40 +0100
"Schaffer, Mark E" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Suryadipta,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [email protected]
>> [mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of
>> Sent: 25 July 2007 18:44
>> To: [email protected]
>> Subject: st: Question on xthtaylor
>> Hi,
>> There have been a few threads on the first one, but I
am still
>>asking the question to find out if there is an easier
>> 1. Is there a command to obtain robust/
cluster(robust) standard
>>errors while using xthtaylor (as in xtreg, fe or
xtreg, re)?
>> 2. Is there a command to obtain R-square while using
>> 3. Moreover, after I run xthtaylor, I am trying to do
>>overidentifiaction test with -xtoverid- but I am
getting an error
>>message : "invalid name". I only have time-varying
variables as
>>endogenous variables.
> It's impossible to tell what's going wrong with just
>you've provided. Can you post the estimation results
and xtoverid
>output, plus the versions of xthtaylor and xtoverid?
> Then maybe we can
> tell if it's a problem with your estimation,
xthtaylor, or xtoverid.
> --Mark
> Prof. Mark Schaffer
> Director, CERT
> Department of Economics
> School of Management & Languages
> Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS tel
+44-131-451-3494 / fax
> +44-131-451-3296
> email: [email protected]
> web: http://www.sml.hw.ac.uk/ecomes
>> Any comment on these issues would be really helpful.
>> Thanks as usual!
>> Suryadipta.
>> *
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