Thanks, Brian -- that's what I was looking for. And thanks, Nick, for the explanation.
>On Wed, 25 Jul 2007, Eric G. Wruck wrote:
>>I was trying to use the week function to graph weekly totals. However, I get some squirrelly results. Am I doing something wrong or have I uncovered a bug?
>>. gen week = week(date2)
>>. format week %tw
>>. l date2 week
>> +---------------------+
>> | date2 week |
>> |---------------------|
>> 1. | 16jul2007 1960w30 |
>> 2. | 17jul2007 1960w30 |
>> +---------------------+
>I suspect you want to use the wofd() function instead:
> . gen week2 = wofd(date2)
> . format week2 %tw
> . list date2 week2
> +---------------------+
> | date2 week2 |
> |---------------------|
> 1. | 16jul2007 2007w29 |
> 2. | 17jul2007 2007w29 |
> +---------------------+
>Both those dates occurred in the 29th week of 2007.
> -- Brian Poi
> [email protected]
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