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RE: st: Suggestions for Second Edition of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Suggestions for Second Edition of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics
Date   Wed, 25 Jul 2007 18:34:41 +0100

Fred Wolfe replied to Michael Mitchell's request for suggestions 
on a second edition of "A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics" with 
several thoughts from his experience. 

I have extracted two comments here, which should be of 
interest beyond the book and before any second edition appears: 
> For bar and dot graphs, orientation is almost exclusively to over() 
> and by(). But I often have to make such graphs under circumstances 
> where over groups are not mutually exclusive. For example, instead of 
> having an over group for drugs that patients might take, I have 
> situations where patients take more than one drug, making the over 
> group option useless to me. So I would very much like to see an 
> expanded section on handling overlapping groups - or non-grouped 
> data. Too much group stuff for me, but perhaps not for others.

I am not clear what the difficulty here is at all. Please give
a specific example or more detail. 

> Converting proportions to percentages is a frequent task. Maybe 
> adding some lines of code to do simple tasks like this would be 
> helpful. 

Sorry, but what's the complication to be explained here? 
Multiplication by 100? 
[email protected] 

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