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st: Bar graph: problem with category labels

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Bar graph: problem with category labels
Date   Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:45:53 -0400

Friedrich Huebler wrote:


When a two-line category label is added to a -graph hbar, over()-
horizontal bar graph, the labels above the two-line label are no
longer centered next to the bars. This happens in Stata versions 8, 9
and 10.

. sysuse auto
. graph hbar mpg trunk, over(rep78)
. graph hbar mpg trunk, over(rep78, relabel(3 "One line"))
. graph hbar mpg trunk, over(rep78, relabel(3 `""Two" "lines""'))
. graph hbar mpg trunk turn, over(rep78, relabel(3 `""Two" "lines""'))

In the first two graphs all category labels are centered next to the
bars. In the third and fourth graph the labels for the first two
categories are shifted up along the vertical axis.

How can all category labels be centered next to the bars?


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