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st: Suggestions for Second Edition of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics

From   "Michael Mitchell" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Suggestions for Second Edition of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics
Date   Tue, 24 Jul 2007 21:03:59 -0700


 I am working on the Second Edition of "A Visual Guide to Stata
Graphics". This is not only an opportunity to update the book to
reflect features added to Stata since the first edition, but it is
also a chance to add new material as well. While I already have many
ideas, I wanted to seek input from the list for your thoughts of what
could be added to the Second Edition that would make it more useful
for readers. I would love to hear your comments and suggestions,
especially if you own the first edition and would like to suggest
improvements. You can either reply to the list (to share your thoughts
with everyone including myself), or you can write me privately via mnm
at ucla dot edu. I would be grateful for your input.

Best regards,

Michael N. Mitchell
Author of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics
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