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From   "Bidisha Sayema" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: NLOGIT
Date   Tue, 24 Jul 2007 12:55:09 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I have done a MNL of employment status (4 choices: wage employed,
unemployed etc) with individual specific controls eg sex, education,
age, race etc and in the next stage with only the wage employed run
another MNL of occupational choices (3 choices: skilled, unskilled etc)
with controls like the first stage (not the same though). But I also
want to do a NLOGIT while incorporating all the decisions, so there will
be 6 choices in the bottom set (3 choices out of wage employed, 3
remaining categories of employment status) along with the first set of 4
alternatives. I constructed the data set and the tree is running fine
but I was unable to run NLOGIT and was facing error message. Is it due
to the use of common individual specific variables in both stages? But I
need to have demographic and education variables in both stages. Any
suggestion is highly appreciated. A simple version of the model is as

nlogit choice (occchoice=ageprof ageskl ageuskl agesemp ageunemp agenemp
*/ age2prof age2skl age2uskl age2semp age2unemp age2nemp)
(empstat=ageemp2 ageemp3 ageemp4 /*
*/ age2emp2 age2emp3 age2emp4 marriedemp2 marriedemp3 marriedemp4),
group(caseno) nolog

Best Regards

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