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st: Splitting numeric values

From   "Susan Olivia" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Splitting numeric values
Date   Sun, 22 Jul 2007 15:30:39 -0700


I have a numeric variable (call it id) that comes with 18 digits and I would
like to create a new variable that extracts from the variable 'id' starting
from the 10th digits and get 4 digits from here.

E.g. my id is given as: 610102001001010300 and I want to create 'newvar'
which has value of 0010. 

I know this can be easily done using the 'substr' command, however, I am
having a problem in converting the 'id' into string variable. It gives me
the following command: 

tostring id, replace
id cannot be converted reversibly; no replace


Any advice on how to handle this would be much appreciated.



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