--- Austin Nichols wrote:
> One option to add a second line is to use -subtitle("extra line",
> suffix)- but this is clearly not a general solution, since it adds the
> same second line to each graph. It seems that the -by()- option
> inevitably does not give one sufficient flexibility--but that option
> just automates the construction of multiple graphs that could also be
> produced separately and combined, so one general solution is to just
> do it manually. Note that -levelsof- and -foreach- are overkill here,
> but easier to extend to cases where there are more than two by-groups.
Austin, thanks for your reply. The reason I am trying to avoid
-graph combine- is that almost never looks nice whenever the axis
labels/titles aren't equally wide. In this case I am trying to
reproduce this graph:
http://tables2graphs.com/doku.php?id=03_descriptive_statistics#figure_1 ,
so no y-labels in the second graph. You can tweak it by using the
-fxsize()- option, but is quite fragile (you'll have to re-tweak the
graph whenever you change the y-labels or whenever you use a
different font). This is undesirable since this is intended as a
code example that others might be able to use on their own data. The
-by()- option automatically takes care of this problem, as can be
seen in the example below.
*--------- begin example --------
sysuse auto, clear
scatter pri mpg if for==0, /*
*/ name(dom, replace)
scatter pri mpg if for==1, /*
*/ name(for, replace) /*
*/ ylab(none) ytitle("")
graph combine dom for, /*
*/ ycommon xcommon /*
*/ name("combined", replace)
scatter pri mpg, by(for)
*------- end example ------------
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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