Besides the smoothing people doing flexible regression analysis, there
are also learning people closely related to them. And if you go
further, you may even find data mining people.
Anyway, the Stanford folks have been involved in doing this spline
stuff, and I think they are better than most other spline stuff
people. I think the most closely related project is called MARS --
they are looking at similar issues in multiple dimensions, or at
least, as far as I can remember, they were coming up with piecewise
linear models, although I am not sure they are aiming specifically at
continuous response surfaces. Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman
(Springer 2001), The Elements of Statistical Learning, is a great
resource for that... once you've mastered Harrell's book, of course
On 7/18/07, n j cox <[email protected]> wrote:
Smoothing people split into those who want make life simple
for their users and those who are obsessed by small advantages
and disadvantages of this method relative to that and quarrels
with other smoothing people. Come to think of it, that applies
elsewhere too.
Stas Kolenikov
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