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st: St: postfile append?

From   Keith Dear <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: St: postfile append?
Date   Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:00:21 +1000

It would seem natural to collect simulation results in chunks, especially for a long slow simulation. Yet as far as I can see there is no immediate way. What I want is

* first chunk, done yesterday
. postfile A double x double y using sim, replace
... // possibly many hours of simulations stored
. postclose A
. exit

* second chunk, added today (or next week)
. postfile A using sim, append // WRONG SYNTAX - there is no append option
. postclose A
. exit

and so on. Of course I can do it the hard way:

. postfile A double x double y using sim1, replace
. postclose A
. exit

. postfile A double x double y using sim2, replace
. postclose A
. exit
etc etc

. use sim1, clear
. append using sim2
etc etc

This is not really so hard I admit, but it means careful file tracking to avoid losing valuable data. Allowing append seems so natural in this context that I surely can't be the first to wonder why it isn't there - or am I missing something? Would anyone else like to see this added?

I am using 9.2, but there's no mention of "post" on the "Release 10" webpage.

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