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st: RE: selecting random samples and run a simulation

From   "Natarajan, Raj" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: selecting random samples and run a simulation
Date   Fri, 13 Jul 2007 10:46:48 -0400

I sent this e-mail yesterday but did not get any response. So I am resending hoiping it will come out.


From: Natarajan, Raj
Sent: Thu 7/12/2007 8:26 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: selecting random samples and run a simulation

I would like to draw a random sample of 500 controls and 500 cases and calculate the odds ratio; repeat the process for 1000 times.

Example: (draw random sample)

matrix means=(0, 1.4)

matrix stdev = (1, 1)

draw norm control case, n(500) m (means) sds(stdev)

the outcome for the first 5 observations  will look like this:

  control          case 

 -1.315189      .1754738

-.6195259       -.4363556

-1.18018        .2124426

-.2960889       -.5825416

.4534519        -.1245893

PROBLEM: I would like the outcomes for controls and cases to be in one column and create a new variable called "status" which is 0 for control and 1 for case. 

Control_case        status

-1.315189               0

-.6195259               0

-1.18018                0

-.2960889               0

.4534519                0

.1754738                1

-.4363556               1

.2124426                1

-.5825416               1

-.1245893               1

I have to run the logistic regression to calculate the odds ratios; and repeat the process with different variances.

I would like to know how to make the outcomes arranged in one column with the creation of the variables "control_case" and "status".

Thank you for any suggestion.


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