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st: Table output

From   "Nuno" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Table output
Date   Tue, 10 Jul 2007 21:07:19 +0100

Hi everyone,

I wanted to build a table that summarizes the output of several ttest on
different variables on a single table. To do this I've written a small piece
of code, that isn't displaying the table exactly as I intended:

di "Variable`=char(9)'Mean`=char(9)'p-value"
foreach var of varlist x1-x11 {
cap ttest `var'==0
di as text "`var'`=char(9)'" as result  %8.4f `r(mu_1)' "`=char(9)'" %8.4f

The output is the following:

Variable       Mean    p-value

. foreach var of varlist x1-x11 {
  2. cap ttest `var'==0
  3. di as text "`var'`=char(9)'" as result  %8.4f `r(mu_1)' "`=char(9)'"
%8.4f `r(p)'
  4. }
x1    0.0926          0.1880
x2    0.0502          0.1763
x3   -0.0078          0.5102
x4    0.0114          0.5810
x5    0.0012          0.9515
x6    0.0094          0.5713
x7   -0.0199          0.1522
x8   -0.0332          0.0668
x9   -0.0255          0.1281
x10  -0.0508          0.0051
x11   0.1434          0.0529

The desired output is:
Variable       Mean    p-value
x1    0.0926          0.1880
x2    0.0502          0.1763
x3   -0.0078          0.5102
x4    0.0114          0.5810
x5    0.0012          0.9515
x6    0.0094          0.5713
x7   -0.0199          0.1522
x8   -0.0332          0.0668
x9   -0.0255          0.1281
x10  -0.0508          0.0051
x11   0.1434          0.0529

Is there a way for Stata not to display the foreach...



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