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re: st: R and Stata efficiency
I wrote in a summary of some instances where an R user felt they had
things better in terms efficiency at the command line. Not spending
as much time at Stata _and_ R that would give me a better feeling for
whether comments made were born out of familiarity with both command
lines (and fair judgement) or just one (and relative ignorance of
best practices), I posted.
Phil Schumm kindly replied with some excellent comments. Especially
appreciated was the prefix, -estimates for-, because my R user friend
One final comment RE use of stored results. In R, once you have fit
several models and stored their results you can do something like
Now, suppose you've done the same in Stata. What I often see users
do is the following:
est restore results
est restore other_results
However, this is unnecessary. Instead, you can simply do
est for results: rvplot
est for other_results: rvfplot
Notice that the -estimates for- prefix goes a long way toward
reducing the difference between Stata and R in the ease with which
you can use stored results.
I definitely have been overtyping as Phil described, and look forward
to using the -estimates for- prefix (see help estimates in Stata).
Admittedly, this prefix has stared me in the face as many times as
I've looked up help for estimates, but it is easy to miss how best to
use options best.
One other comments from the R user regarding efficiency was about
nesting functions:
One other issue is that the result of a command (sic in Stata)
cannot be used directly as the argument of another commmand. In R,
I can do something like
dhdbeta = A %*% diag(exp(aacoef))
in which, exp() gives the exponential values of the elements in
aacoef, then diag() makes a matrix with the diagonal being those
exponential values, then the matrix is multiplied on the left by
another matrix A. The exp() and diag() are calculated on the fly
and discarded afterwards. Their values are not used elsewhere and
thus there is no need to save them explicitly just for the next
step. While in Stata, I have save them.
David C. Airey, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
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