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Re: st: equivalence tests
On 10 Jul 2007, at 14:04, Cathy L. Antonakos wrote:
Celine Genty wrote:
How can I do equivalence tests for means and for proportions ?
There is also the Bland & Altman method. The reference is Bland JM,
Altman DG. 1986. Statistical methods for assessing agreement
between two methods of clinical measurement. Lancet i, 307-310.
The BIand and Altman method is for assessing agreement where neither
measure is the 'gold standard'. Celine may be more interested in
testing for equivalence where this may be defined asymmetrically as
no less than x and no more than y units of difference. The original -
equim- and -equip- routines do only symmetrical tests, where x and y
are the same.
Has anyone cooked up a tost (two one-sided tests) ado?
Trivia: Bland and Altman's paper is, I am told, the most cited paper
in the biomedical literature, with, I can verify, 9934 citations as
of today.
Ronan Conroy
[email protected]
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
120 St Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
+353 (0)1 402 2431
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