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Re: st: spmap legend title
Maurizio Pisati <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: spmap legend title
Fri, 06 Jul 2007 08:17:18 +0200
Dear Friedrich,
if I correctly understand your question, I think example 3b in the -spmap-
help gives you a solution. The relevant suboption is:
legend(title("Title", bexpand justification(left)))
At 00.11 06/07/2007, you wrote:
-spmap- is a module to draw maps from SSC. By default, -spmap- legend
titles are placed above the text that is to the right of the legend
symbols. This leaves an empty space above the legend symbols. How can
I place the legend title in the upper left corner of the legend?
The -legtitle- option does not appear to accept anything but a string
with the legend title. For example, -legtitle("Title", span)- returns
this error message:
, not an integer, option order() ignored
I also tried omitting -legtitle- and specifying a legend title with
-legend(title("Title", justification(left)))- but this places the
title too far to the left.
Which other options can I try?
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