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st: Some experiences with Stata 10 for Linux

From   Ulrich Kohler <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Some experiences with Stata 10 for Linux
Date   Wed, 04 Jul 2007 17:07:50 +0200

I have now installed Stata 10 for Linux on 2 (3?) different Linux
systems. Just thought to share some of my experiences:

(1) Stata 10 on Xubuntu, "Dapper Drake"

- It was not possible to install from CD, but following the advice from
[GSU] A.3 "troubleshooting tips" works nicely. 

- After installation console Stata works, but xstata didn't start due to
a missing libary, namely "". I issued

$ locate

in a Linux terminal, which showed me "" was available in
"/usr/lib", but not "". I decided to create a soft pointing

# cd /usr/local
# ln -s

A second try to fire up xstata resulted in another missing library. I
forgot its name, but I was able to install the library with apt-get.
Afterwards xstata worked nicely.

(2) Stata 10 on Suse 9.something

This was a big mess. It already started with the problem that I could
not see the install script on the mounted Stata CD. I only saw some
files that seem to be for Macintosh. After copying the materials over
the network from a nearby Windows computer I was able to install Stata
and run Stata for the console. Lot's of libraries were missing for
xstata, however. Installation of the libraries required lots of further
things. I finally gave up and decided to upgrade my system to Ubuntu-
7.04 "Feisty Fawn" (I wanted to do that anyway).

(3) Stata 10 on Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn". 

Installation worked identical as Xubuntu "Dapper Drake" (see point 1
above). However it was not necessary to install the further library with

(4) Finally, there are two issues with Xstata on the two systems:

(a): Stata used a non-monospaced font for results and help files,
although the font mentioned in the preferences menue was "fixed 10".
However, when I clicked on the font, the highlighted font in the list
was "sans 10". 


. sysuse auto
. reg weight
. reg
95,0 found where number expected

. logit foreign
. logit
95,0 found where number expected

Is this a bug? I noticed that the syntax diagram of -regess- is 
-regress depvar [indepvars]-, which somhow implies that -regress-
without varname is no longer valid syntax. However, the help-file also

. reg, beta

which results in the same error message.

Many regards

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