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Re: st: RE: RE: Question about Stata 10 license

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: Question about Stata 10 license
Date   Wed, 04 Jul 2007 15:33:38 +0100

In essence I gather you (eventually) want to run Stata/MP
on hardware from which it will benefit. You
will (eventually) need a license that fits those circumstances.

Also, you can install Stata on two machines, so long
as you don't use them simultaneously.

That being so, whether you buy the appropriate
license now, or later, and whether you get the
hardware now, or later, are quite secondary.

That said, Ted Anagnoson was right: you should
liaise on this, if still unclear, with StataCorp
(or their distributor in your country). As it is
4 July today, you may not get much of a signal
until tomorrow.

[email protected]

JP Azevedo

I've already found someone willing to pay for my Stata 10 and my new
hardware (64bits), the problem is that I would like to be able to temporarly
use Stata on two different arqchitetures (32-bits and 64bits), since some of
the software that I need are not yet available for Windows 64-bits.

The question then is if this magnificent soul will have to buy two licenses
(32bits + 64bits) or one license (32bits) + a platform change (64bits) for
me. Given that the hardware will be the same, and I will not be operating
the same license on the two different OS at the same time.



PS: For those who might not know, a platform change cost 25.00 USD, while a
full license would cost 2,235.00 USD.
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