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st: Twoway area graphs

From   Knag Anne-Christine <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Twoway area graphs
Date   Tue, 03 Jul 2007 10:07:49 +0200

Thanks for the help with my beamplots! I have another question on order. I
want to create 9 overlaid two-way area graphs by experiment and treatment.
twoway (area all dos, sort) (area dead dos, sort), by(experiment treatment)

Experiment is either 1 or 2. Treatment is C, L, M, H, E. So the groups are
1C. 2C, 1L, 2L, 1M, 2M etc. There is no group 1H.

The syntax above gives me the 9 plots ordererd like this:

1C, 1E, 1L
1M, 2C, 2E
2H, 2L, 2M

But what I want is :
1C, 2C
1L, 2L
1M, 2M
  , 2H
1E, 2E

Is this arrangement possible?


On 7/2/07 6:40 PM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:

> See also the -egen- function -axis()- in -egenmore-
> from SSC. 
> Nick 
> [email protected]
> Nick Cox
>> You didn't tell -beamplot- about your new variable
>> -order-. 
>> You may want to label the values of -order-
>> with the values of -tank-.
>> In your case, you can do this using -ylabel()-
>> or using -label- beforehand or by installing -labutil-
>> from SSC and using -labmask- beforehand.
>> beamplot pre_l, over(order) ytitle("") xtitle ("Pre-spawning
>> length (cm) ") by(sex) yla(1 "5" 2 "1" <etc.>)
>> Knag Anne-Christine
>>> More questions about beamplot (which produces really nice
>>> plots by the way).
>>> How can I order the y-axis so that tank goes: 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 9
>>> 4 instead of 1
>>> 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
>>> I have tried the following
>>> generate order = 1 if tank == 5
>>> replace order = 2 if tank== 1
>>> replace order = 3 if tank== 6
>>> replace order = 4 if tank == 2
>>> replace order = 5 if tank== 7
>>> replace order = 6 if tank== 3
>>> replace order = 7 if tank== 8
>>> replace order = 8 if tank== 9
>>> replace order = 9 if tank== 4
>>> beamplot pre_l, over(tank) ytitle("") xtitle ("Pre-spawning
>>> length (cm) ")
>>> by(sex)
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