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Re: st: st: RE: RE: Problems posting a message

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: st: RE: RE: Problems posting a message
Date   Sat, 30 Jun 2007 17:26:58 +0200

I too have problems. Mine is quite strange. I regularly receive Statalist digest and reply to some posts. All works fine. However, I currently cannot start a particular new thread. I tried five times in different days this June with different titles, but none appeared on the digest, nor I received any response. It seems absurde since it is the first time I have this problem and in the meanwhile my replies (11) to previous threads appeared fine. Also, one new thread entitled "can I use gllamm to predict highest level outcome" appeared correctly about one week ago.
I tried the following titles:
"on xtgls' results, same as regress but not as xtreg,re"
"why xtgls gives same results as regress but not as xtreg,re"
"results from xtgls similar to regress & different from xtreg,re??"
"why xtgls gives same results as regress but not as xtreg,re?"
"comparing results from xtgls, regress and xtreg,re"
What's wrong with them? Both commas and question marks usually appear on new titles.
I report below the text of the e-mail, in case you manage to sent it.
Many thanks,

Given that -xtreg, re- is referred to on the help file as "GLS random-effects (RE) model", I am puzzled that -xtgls- with default options (and -xtpcse-) produces the same coefficients as -regress- and different from both -xtreg, re- and -xtreg, mle-. Why? Most importantly, which should I trust???
Moreover, -xtgls- and -regress- produce almost identical standard errors. I don't think it depends on my data, e.g. take some panels on the web and confront:
webuse abdata
xtreg n w k ys yr198*
regress n w k ys yr198*
xtgls n w k ys yr198*


Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 18:13:19 +0100
From: Raoul C Reulen <[email protected]>

Maarten is probably right, I can post this message (and the previous test message), but I tried to post another message several times without success. I guess I have to find out which words trigger the spam filter....


- -----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Maarten Buis
Sent: 28 June 2007 18:07
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: Problems posting a message

- --- David Winter wrote:
a collegue of mine Raoul Reulen is having problems posting messages. He has subscribed correctly and formats the message content in Plain Text as required.  This message is to (a) test the system is working and (b) to check amongst you to find out if anyone has actually received his recent pleas for assistance.

I too have sometimes trouble posting. Sometimes, when I reread the post I can see parts that might have triggered the Harvard spam-filter (some of the variable names in the auto dataset for instance. Sometimes I am completely puzzled. So maybe you can ask Raoul if he can find something that might trigger a spam filter. 

Hope this helps,
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