Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -moremata- package is available
form the SSC archive. The -moremata- package contains various
additions to Mata.
To install the update, type
. ssc install moremata, replace
or use the -adoupdate- command.
Main changes:
o A new mm_benford() function computes digit probabilities according
to Benford's Law for different positions and bases.
o A new mm_mgof() function preforms asymptotic and exact
goodness-of-fit tests for multinomial (discrete) data.
o There are new functions implementing combinatorial algorithms to
generate subsets (combinations), compositions, and integer partitions
(mm_subset(), mm_composition(), and mm_partition(), etc.)
o A new mm_isconstant() function quickly checks whether a matrix is constant.
o Variations on the mm_freq() function to compute frequencies have been added.
o The mm_ranks() function has been improved; mm_relrank() is now based
on mm_ranks().
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