On 6/26/07, Rodrigo Martell <[email protected]> wrote:
I'm pretty sure this post is a consequence of my ignorance of xml, but I can't figure this out from the stata [D] manual.
I have a bunch of .xml files I got from here ttp://www.imowa.com.au/Attachments/STEM_bids_offers/Public_EM_Sept06.zip
I saved this to my C drive and would like to import it to Stata.
I thought -xmluse- would do the trick, but it hasn't so far.
I tried importing the first file by typing
. xmluse wprtl20060927PUB_STEMResultPartInfo
unrecognizable XML doctype
I thought the error I got was because I hadn't told it it was a .xml file (although doubted my conclusion because the manual says .xml is assumed if omitted)
I tried this again with .xml and failed again...
xmluse wprtl20060927PUB_STEMResultPartInfo.xml
unrecognizable XML doctype
Now, I'm not sure if I need to open each .xml file in Excel first and then save them as xml again for -xmluse- to work or what.
I tried opening these .xml files in Excel but it reads it in as would a normal text editor. I'm on Excel 2000 so I think that's just an Excel thing because I think xml support comes from Excel 2003 onwards.
usually the doctype declaration is the first information to follow the
xml declaration in an xml file. It looks to me that -xmluse- just does
not understand what the doctype is. Have you tried - xmluse
myfile.xml, doctype(excel) - ? This is one of the options listed in
-help xmluse-
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