Raphael Fraser <[email protected]>:
The command -for- was followed by a list, in this case a list of
variables, and the @ specified where each item in the list was to be
substituted in repeating the command after the colon. So that code
would become:
foreach v of varlist temp* {
gen r`v'=cond(`v'==1,res,.)
foreach v of varlist temp* {
bys `3': replace `v'=sum(`v')
by `3': replace `v'=`v'[_N]
replace `v'=cond(`v'==0,.,`v')
in a more modern Stata.
Or perhaps:
foreach v of varlist temp* {
g r`v'=res if `v'==1
egen s`v'=total(`v'), by(`3')
replace s`v'=. if s`v'==0
On 6/21/07, Raphael Fraser <[email protected]> wrote:
Can any one convert the following code to Stata 9.2 syntax? I am not
sure what the "@" means.
version 5.0
for temp* : gen r@=cond(@==1,res,.)
for rtemp*: by `3': replace @=sum(@)
for rtemp*: by `3': replace @=@[_N]
for rtemp*: replace @=cond(@==0,.,@)
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