Dear Statalist,
I have a combined question concerning Stata and Excel:
I want to use the following code
estimates store ABC
estout ABC using ${ESTOUT}ABC.xls, replace
When I want to use the produced output in Excel for further calculations
(pleaese, don't ask why I cannot use Stata to do further calculations
which I would clearly prefer...) I am confronted with Excel saving my
estimation results in some odd format - allthough the file has the ending
.xls it does not seem to be a "real" Excel spreadsheet, e.g. the produced
file ABC.xls has roughly 500KB whereas when I resave the file in Excel
format it results in ABC.xls its size if 5MB. So, I think that the first
format is some kind of text-file and the second is some Windows standard
format for Excel. My question is: is there a direct way from estimation
results in Stata to a "real" Excel-spreadsheet.
Any help would be appreciated,
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