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RE: Re: st: variable data type problem

From   Jon Schwabish <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: Re: st: variable data type problem
Date   Mon, 18 Jun 2007 14:05:56 -0700 (PDT)

Yes, this is the issue: I am above the acceptable
value range. It thus appears that the -tabout- command
won't handle the large values. I have tried
reformatting the variable to long, but it still gives
an error. Has anyone run across this with the -tabout-


What is the data type to begin with?
What is the range of values? int can handle only
-32767 .. 32740. Maybe some values are out of range.
(int is different from integer. There are three
integer types: byte, int, and long. long has the
largest range)

The other issue that -recast- would complain about is
non-integer values, but I think that if you use the
-force- option, those would be truncated, rather than
changed to missing -- I think.

Try -recast long-

At 02:11 PM 6/18/2007, Jon Schwabish wrote:

I am getting a very strange data storage type problem.
I am creating a data set that counts the number of
people by age using the -collapse- command. I then
merge these numbers back onto a larger data set (to
use as fixed weights). I am then using the
-tab- command to compare two variables (using the
weights) with no problem. When I use the -tabout-
command, I get an error that frequency weights must be

So here's the problem: The weights appear to be
integers (using the data browser) and I've tried
compressing and reformatting but to no avail. When I
try -recast int wgt-, it turns out that about 14
different observations would be changed, but I can't
tell why. (If I try -recast int wgt, force- Stata
turns those observations into missings).

Any ideas for dealing with this problem?


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