Sorry- one more question regarding your mergemodels ado:
Just noticed that when I use if with a mix of several variables ( xi+
usual bivariate..)- I get the following error- which may have
something to do with the matrix- :
This works(with xi variables up to tf7)
. qui xi:stcox i.tx1
. est sto tf1
. qui xi:stcox i.po2grasc
. est sto tf2
. qui xi:stcox i.age4group
. est sto tf3
. qui xi:stcox i.yearx4
. est sto tf4
. qui xi: stcox i.cd4hilow
. est sto tf5
. qui xi: stcox
. est sto tf6
. qui xi: stcox i.riscgroup4
. est sto tf7
end of do-file
. mergemodels tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 tf5 tf6 tf7
. est sto test1
. esttab
_Itx1_2 0.311
_Itx1_3 0.0994
_Ipo2grasc_2 0.312
_Ipo2grasc_3 0.439
_Iage4grou~2 -0.0574
_Iage4grou~3 0.370
_Iyearx4_2 0.306
_Iyearx4_3 -0.144
_Icd4hilow_2 -0.166
_Icd4hilow_3 0.308
_Icountry_2 -0.356*
_Iriscgrou~2 -0.443*
_Iriscgrou~3 -0.00456
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
However with 7 xi variables and one "regular" bivariate variable:
. qui xi:stcox i.tx1
. est sto tf1
. qui xi:stcox i.po2grasc
. est sto tf2
. qui xi:stcox i.age4group
. est sto tf3
. qui xi:stcox i.yearx4
. est sto tf4
. qui xi: stcox i.cd4hilow
. est sto tf5
. qui xi: stcox
. est sto tf6
. qui xi: stcox i.riscgroup4
. est sto tf7
. qui stcox bactcoinfnew
. est sto tf8
end of do-file
. mergemodels tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 tf5 tf6 tf7 tf8
conformability error
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