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Re: st: RE: Fwd: zip zinb : testparm or loglikelihood ?
Hi Marteen,
Thanks Marteen for your answer.
I forgot to specify that I also use a random effect.
Thus :
xi : zip nbaoaj i.breed agerx6 i.mother_age, inflate(i.breed agerx6)
cluster(farm) robust
When I test the addition of the variable "i.mother_age", I do not have the
same result with "testparm" or with "Loglikelihood test". It seems that the
loglikelihood test does not take into account the random effect.
And I do not know which test I have to use ?
Le 11:48 18/06/2007, vous avez �crit:
--- Johanna LEPEULE wrote:
>I use zero-inflated (Poisson and negative-binomial) models.
>Y=nbaoaj, is a number of lesions.
>X=mother_age, is a qualitative variable with 3 classes
>Can I use xi: testparm i.mother_age, equation(nbaoaj) to test the global
>effect of the variable mother_age ?
>Or must I use the Loglikelihood ratio test ?
Why do you doubt that you can use -testparm-?
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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Johanna Lepeule
UMR 708 Gestion de la Sant� Animale
Ecole V�t�rinaire de Nantes / INRA
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