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Re: st: Confidence intervals for predictions after GLMs
Redundant Line
Allan is referring to the fact that -predictnl- returns confidence
intervals (CI's) that are symmetrical about the predicted value.
Allan would prefer that -predictnl- compute asymmetric intervals:
predict the linear function,, compute the SE of this function,
estimate CI's for the linear function, and then invert the CI
endpoints. This process will produce a "better" interval then that
produced by -predictnl-; for example the inverted interval will more
closely match one obtained by the bootstrap.
However I agree with Stata Support: Alan is wrong to expect this
behavior from -predictnl-. It ts such a general command that it
computes a standard error & CI for functions in which there is NO
invertible linear form.
For example: predictnl p2 = _b[weight]*weight/_b[height]*height
I would not expect -predictnl- to diagnose the RHS expression to
determine if it contains an invertible linear form. However it is
reasonable to ask StataCorp to add options to -predict- to compute
the inverted CI after commands like -logistic-, where -predict-
inverts a linear form to obtain the estimated probability.
On Jun 15, 2007, at 11:17 AM, Allan Reese ((Cefas)) wrote:
Stata boasts many commands for estimation following model fits, so
it was a surprise to find a gap for generalized linear models
(glm's). Point estimates are available through predict, but the
confidence interval from predictnl is clearly wrong when the error
distribution has been specified as non-normal.
I've raised this with Tech Desk, using a simple example with well-
known data:
. use auto
. logit foreign weight
. predict mu
-----Tech desk Message-----
The issue here is that -predictnl- is a very flexible command that
will allow you to create various types of nonlinear predictions.
In the command you used
predictnl mu2= exp( _b[_cons] + _b[weight]*weight ) /
( 1 + exp( _b[_cons] + _b[weight]*weight) ), ci(lo hi)
[inverse link for a logit example]
we know that _b[_cons] + _b[weight]*weight follows a normal
distribution. However, -predictnl- has no way of discerning this
or knowing that this particular nonlinear combination creates a
predicted probability. All confidence intervals created by -
predictnl- are based on the nonlinear combination being
asymptotically normal which is fine even in the case of the
nonlinear expression that you used above. The difference in this
case is that we know that this is a predicted probability and can
create a more precise confidence interval manually transforming the
endpoints of the confidence interval for xb.
Thus, there is not a problem with the confidence intervals that -
predictnl- creates for nonlinear functions. However, in certain
cases there may be a more direct way to calculate the intervals
that is not based on asymptotic normality. This is true in your
Would you be happy with an "asymptotic" approach? I don't follow,
as the error distribution doesn't change and this is for individual
predictions. Asymptotic with respect to what? As I read it, they
are claiming that *any* function can have a CI predicted as if it
is normal, even when it is explicitly a transformation of a normal
The GLM approach is well-defined: the linear predictor is a
combination of weighted parameter estimates, so has a normal
distribution. Define the CI for the linear predictor, then back-
transform using the inverse-link function. This must be done by
predict when evaluating the mean.
Are other users being misled by this approximate approach to CIs?
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