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Re: st: Re: loop to fill in missing observations
Dear Carol,
Many thanks for the suggestion. The problem is that I have repeated
time values within some panels: in some countries, there were more
than one election in the same year. So I cannot -tsset- the data and
I cannot use -tsfill-
I may collapse those values at some later stage to have a clean panel
dataset, but for the time being I would prefer to keep them.
Thanks again,
On 15 Jun 2007, at 17:11, Carole J. Wilson wrote:
Have a look at -tsfill- with the [, full] option.
On 6/15/07, Fabrizio Gilardi <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Chuntao,
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I do not think this will
First, I do not need four observations for each country-year: I just
need new observations for country-years that are not included in the
original dataset. Second, the fillin command creates all logical
combinations of variables, but does not create values that do not
exist in the original dataset, which is what I need.
If I understand your suggestion correctly, it will not solve my
Thanks for your help,
On 15 Jun 2007, at 16:48, Li Chuntao wrote:
> Dear Fabrizio,
> As you need four observations for each country and year, you can
> turn the year and election to a quarter variable, that is, treat
> the first obs for each year as spring and the second as summer.
> then you have two variables to identify each election, that is,
> country and season.
> then you can use the fillin command in stata.
> suppose you have the following data, where X is the variable to be
> the same with the previous observation
> country season x
> 1 1 1
> 1 2 4
> 2 1 5
> 2 2 8
> 2 3 10
> 3 1 4
> 4 1 3
> 4 2 5
> fillin country season
> then u got the following data
> country season x _fillin
> 1 1 1 0
> 1 2 4 0
> 1 3 . 1
> 2 1 5 0
> 2 2 8 0
> 2 3 10 0
> 3 1 4 0
> 3 2 . 1
> 3 3 . 1
> 4 1 3 0
> 4 2 5 0
> 4 3 . 1
> is this what you need?
> Cheers
> Chuntao
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Fabrizio Gilardi"
> <[email protected]>
> To: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:25 PM
> Subject: st: loop to fill in missing observations
>> Dear Statalist,
>> I have a dataset of national elections in 28 countries.
>> Observations are elections. This means that there can be several
>> elections in the same year, and on the other hand only years when
>> an election was held are included in the dataset.
>> I want to fill in missing years for each country. My idea was to
>> loop over countries and years to check for every country if a
>> given year is present, and if not fill it in. To do so, I have
>> created an appropriate number of missing observations to be
>> filled in, and a counter variable to identify them.
>> Concretely, the dataset looks like this:
>> countryn year elecn fillin
>> 1 1990 1 .
>> 1 1994 2 .
>> 1 1994 3 .
>> 1 1997 4 .
>> 2 1989 1 .
>> 2 1992 2 .
>> 2 1995 3 .
>> 2 1999 4 .
>> 2 2000 5 .
>> . . . 1
>> . . . 2
>> . . . 3
>> And my code is the following:
>> g n=.
>> local z=1
>> qui forval x=1/28 {
>> forval y=1975/2002 {
>> sum year if year==`y' & countryn==`x'
>> replace n=r(N)
>> replace year=`y' if n==0 & fillin==`z'
>> replace countryn=`x' if n==0 & fillin==`z'
>> count if countryn==`x' & year==`y' & fillin==`z'
>> local w=r(N)
>> local z=`z'+`w'
>> }
>> }
>> Now, for some countries it works fine, but for most some missing
>> years are not filled in. It does not seem to depend on whether in
>> the country there was more than one election in some year, and I
>> cannot find any pattern that could help me identify the problem.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Fabrizio
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Fabrizio Gilardi, PhD
>> Institut d'Etudes Politiques et Internationales
>> Universit� de Lausanne
>> B�timent Anthropole
>> CH-1015 Lausanne
>> Switzerland
>> Phone +41 21 692 31 48
>> Fax + 41 21 692 31 45
>> [email protected]
>> http://wwwpeople.unil.ch/fabrizio.gilardi/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> *
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Fabrizio Gilardi, PhD
Institut d'Etudes Politiques et Internationales
Universit� de Lausanne
B�timent Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 692 31 48
Fax + 41 21 692 31 45
[email protected]
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
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* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
Fabrizio Gilardi, PhD
Institut d'Etudes Politiques et Internationales
Universit� de Lausanne
B�timent Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne
Phone +41 21 692 31 48
Fax + 41 21 692 31 45
[email protected]
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/