By default, -spmap- from SSC draws graphs that minimize the blank
space around the map. This can be seen with the first example from the
help file.
. use "Italy-RegionsData.dta", clear
. spmap relig1 using "Italy-RegionsCoordinates.dta", id(id)
When titles are added to the map, margins appear on the left and right
side. I would like to remove these margins.
. spmap relig1 using "Italy-RegionsCoordinates.dta", id(id)
title("Title", size(vhuge)) subtitle("Subtitle", size(vhuge))
Through trial and error, the margins can be reduced with the -graph
display- command. By repeatedly changing the value in the -xsize()-
option, I arrived at a map with no extra blank space on the left and
right side.
. graph display, xsize(3.4)
How can I draw a map with a title that has no added space around the
map, without having to resort to the repeated use of -graph display-?
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