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Re: st: RE: Bargraphs, order, SD

From   Knag Anne-Christine <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: RE: Bargraphs, order, SD
Date   Mon, 11 Jun 2007 15:18:15 +0200

OK. I changed the original variables (1C, 1 L etc) into numeric (1-9)
I have attached a merge file with some of the variables. From this data I
want to make 3 x 2 bar graphs over tank 1-9 showing pre_l, post_l and growth
for female (F) and for male (M).
Thank you for your involvement. I am a bit lost here..

On 6/11/07 2:00 PM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:

> This question, as I understand it, has already been
> answered. 
> Ulrich's example shows that you can -- and indeed
> for many purposes need to -- use -encode- to map
> a string variable to a numeric variable. That is,
> Stata is telling you that a string variable is allowed
> in the way that you have tried; hence you must use
> a numeric variable instead.
> It is difficult otherwise to comment on what you
> typed if you don't show it to us.
> Nick 
> [email protected]
> Knag Anne-Christine
>> Hi, thank you. But how can I use a twoway when I am plotting just one
>> variable (e.g weight) of different types (1C, 1L etc)?
>> I tried the suggested syntax, but it came up with varlist:
>> type:  string
>> variable not allowed
>> ?
>> On 6/11/07 1:00 PM, "Nick Cox" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> You need to move away from -graph bar- once you
>>> want to do something not obviously available.
>>> -twoway bar- is ultimately more flexible. Ulrich's
>>> example underlines this, so heed his advice.
>>> Here is a dopey example:
>>> u auto, clear
>>> egen mean = mean(mpg), by(foreign)
>>> egen sd = sd(mpg), by(foreign)
>>> gen upper = mean + sd
>>> gen lower = mean - sd
>>> twoway bar mean foreign, barw(0.4) || ///
>>> rcap upper lower foreign, xla(0 1, valuelabel) ///
>>> ysc(r(0, .)) legend(off) ///
>>> subtitle(mean +/- sd, place(w)) ytitle(`: var label mpg')
>>> Biologists in particular seems overly fond of just
>>> showing means (+/- sd, se, or constant * se) in what
>>> Stata user Paul Seed has called detonator plots.
>>> A dotplot with means and sds added (see -dotplot-)
>>> shows far more information.
>>> Nick 
>>> [email protected]
>>> Knag Anne-Christine
>>>> Thank you Ulrich.
>>>> What do I then do if I want to make simple one-way bargraphs
>>>> by the same
>>>> order? 
>>>> The syntax (without the order)
>>>> graph bar (mean)  variable1, over (type)
>>>> And how can I add SD to the bars?
>>>> On 6/8/07 9:51 AM, "Ulrich Kohler" <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> Knag Anne-Christine wrote:
>>>>>> By "this order" I meant the order that I have given
>>>>>> syntax:
>>>>>> generate order = 1 if type== "1C"
>>>>>> replace order = 2 if type== "1L"
>>>>>> replace order = 3 if type== "1M"
>>>>>> replace order = 4 if type == "1E"
>>>>>> replace order = 5 if type== "2C"
>>>>>> replace order = 6 if type== "2L"
>>>>>> replace order = 7 if type== "2M"
>>>>>> replace order = 8 if type== "2H"
>>>>>> replace order = 9 if type== "2E"
>>>>>> Since the graphs are ordered alphanumerically I need to
>>>> add an "sort
>>>>>> according to order"-command somewhere in the syntax for
>> the plots:
>>>>>> twoway (bar production day_of_prod), ytitle(Production)
>>>> xtitle(Day of
>>>>>> production) by(type)
>>>>>> I also want to include a 10th plot showing the total
>>>> production of all
>>>>>> types.
>>>>> How about:
>>>>> label define order                                ///
>>>>>   1 "1C" 2 "1L" 3 "1M" 4 "1E" 5 "2C"              ///
>>>>>   6 "2L" 7 "2M" 8 "2H" 9 "2E"
>>>>> encode type, gen(order) label(order)
>>>>> twoway                                            ///
>>>>>  || bar production day_of_prod                    ///
>>>>>  || , ytitle(Production) xtitle(Day ofproduction) ///
>>>>>       by(order, total)
>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
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