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Re: st: est out

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: est out
Date   Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:26:08 +0200

Use the -eform- option:

. estout eq1 , cells (...) eform ...

This will also transform the standard errors and the confidence intervals.

On 6/10/07, somsupa Nopprach <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Statalists,

I run conditional logit model and using the option
-or-; odds ratio.
  I would like to create my result table by using
-est out- command. However, I dont know how to show
the odds ratios in my table .

Another question is that if i show the standard
deviation. I think the standard deviation  shown in
the table will be the standard deviation of the
coefficient,b. How I can obtain the standard deviation
of the odds ratio?

 I use write my command as follows
clogit inv lnprod lnagglo1 lnwagen  lnenrol   if
psale==0 , group(id)  nolog robust or

estout eq1 , cells ("b(star fmt(%9.4g))
se(fmt(%9.3g))" p(fmt(%9.4g)) style(fixed)
varlabels(lnprod "lnproduction" lnagglo1
"lnagglomeration" lnwagen "lnwage" lnenrol "ln
tertiary enrollment")

P.S. I know that b refers to coefficient but i dont
know the symbol for the odds ratio.

  Thank you very much

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